Tuesday, May 25, 2010

God is Good

Sneak peek on ways we have directly seen that God is good in our lives as of late: (we always know He is good but it is nice when He shouts it at us!)

1. It really is true that you get what you give. In the past few months Chip and I have made a couple of donations to friends going on missions trips and EVERY TIME within 2 days of the check being cashed, we received checks in the mail for wedding presents, graduation presents, etc. Today we even received a notice from our gas company that they owed US money so we had no bill this month and they would credit our account. Wowza. We know fully well that God is our provider and blesses those who give generously.

2. For months Chip and I have been praying to find a church to call home and to find a great community within this church to surround us and to connect with. We went to try out one community group, and well, we stayed. We couldn't have asked for a better group for God to place us with. Chip feels so affirmed and loved by the men of this group and I already feel as if I have known the women for my entire life (though I've only hung out with them 2 times). Crazy huh? But it isn't crazy to God.

3. For those of you that don't know this about me, i HATE being away from home. I never liked camp, I was the kid who would get their parents to come pick them up from the sleepover, etc. This summer, with TFA, I am to spend 5 weeks in Atlanta to get training and teach summer school. The thought of going away for this long, leaving behind my sweet husband, family, and friends, literally makes me cry. While having a conversation with God I basically told Him "you better make it abundantly clear with flashing lights that this really is what you want for me to do to serve you because otherwise I'm out. I haven't been hired by a school. I don't want to go away. I want to stay where I'm comfortable." (By the way, I don't recommend giving God orders.) Not kidding, within 24 hours, I had received a job offer, visited the school, and fell in love with the area. I'm glad to announce I will be teaching 7th grade language arts :) And I am 100% sure that TFA is EXACTLY where I am supposed to be and Atlanta will be an incredible but great experience. I also will be home every other weekend which just shows God will equip me for what He has called me to do.

We could go on and on and on about all of the blessings God has given us so far in our marriage, and we are not so naive as to think that hard times aren't coming, but we know who God is, we know that He is good, faithful, loving, merciful, gracious, and protective of His children, and we know that there is nothing we will face that He will not walk us through. So for now, and then, we will rejoice in His presence!